Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tina Green wins some Green!

We got second place in the scarecrow contest! Woo-hoo! Great job girls. Thanks for all your hard work and getting out to vote! Now we can use our prize to celebrate with a pizza party!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Write Away

First, Libby brought our snack. We ate delicious brownies and pretzels.

We sat in a circle and took turns making up a story. One of the stories was about a penguin named Phil, it was funny. Then we picked penpals from our old friend Grace Healey's new troop in Ohio. We wrote our new pals letters on special stationary. We addressed and stamped our letters.

Then we did our friendship squeeze and we all went out to play on the playground. I love Brownies!

Love, Kate

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Scarecrow at the library

Today we went to the library and tied the scarecrow to a tree.
And then we put sunglasses on it and put other stuff on it too. Brownies is a blast.
We had a great time doing it. I wish Brownies never ended.

Story by Elizabeth
or Libby

Friday, October 17, 2008

Creating Tina Green the recylcing queen!

We had a nice turnout for our scarecrow building party. The girls were very enthusiastic about creating a scarecrow made from only recyclable materials. We will be meeting at 10:00 on Saturday morning to set the scarecrow up at the libary so even if you missed the building, you can come help on Saturday. Then next Saturday the 25th make sure you come to the library and support Tina "Green!"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Meeting

First we ate snack. Next the brownie leaders put us with a friend. We learned about our friends and made friendship pins.

Then the leaders put us in groups of 3 so we could decide which badge to lead the troop in. My group chose the Friends are Fun badge.

Then we went to the rug and talked about the Scarecrow Contest at the library. We talked about what we should put on our scarecrow. We chose recyling.

Then we stood up and sang the songs, I've Got Something in My Pocket and Make New Friends. Then we did our friendship squeeze. We played out on the playground until it was time to go home.

We had lots of fun. I wish Brownies never ended.

Photos and story by Melanie